This term, our first assignment was to wrap up a car which we had to design based upon our corporate identity. Since i did the jazz bar 'cazyap', i thought using a station wagon might be a good idea. Since live concerts are happening in the club, technical devices, sound systems, musical instruments are probably going to be moved from one place to another, so a big station wagon seemed the best option. We were told that it would be the best if we put the logo on the right side of the car and to put the web address or any contact at the back of the car. So that is exactly what i did. The main issue was the usage of the color. I knew i had to go with red and gray, but where and how? First i tried to make something with lines but then i realized that it had nothing to do with the identity then i just took the last two letters of 'cazyap' from my logo and put it on the right side of the car. I put the web adress at the back of the car. There you go the initial version;
Elif Ayiter told me that i should lighten up the windows (obviously i messed it up) and just take the burgundy lines out. I will fix this tomorrow and then post it here the last version of the car wrap up project.